Dear Sons of the Holy Cross,
Who can resist settling in with this Holy Day in the Liturgical year (THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN, MARY)? So much flows and ushers from an adequate understanding of this reality. Then, a couple of says later (March 29), we sit with John Keble (a fine refiner of both the catholic Anglican way and the best of the Patristic ethos and insights. Do allow Mary and John Keble to guide, massage and warm your souls, minds and imaginations.
The next gathering of the SHC will be this Tuesday (March 28) from 6:00-8:00—–note the time change–look forward to seeing one and all. We will bring to an end the final section of DEAREST SISTER WENDY: A SURPRISING STORY OF FAITH AND FRIENDSHIP. We have covered, thus far, “The Art of Seeing” and “The Art of Loving”. We conclude with “The Art of Letting Go”—most apt, indeed, for the Lenten season.
Also, a reminder that our retreat is April 21-22–look forward to seeing one and all in a few weeks. I will send the schedule out next week for the 2 days. Can each of you let me know if you are attending? I seem to have misplaced my list.
You might also enjoy my seven reflections of Coleridge’s THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER. I put him up there with Keble, although the “damaged angel” (as he has been called) is often not put on the same shelf as Keble and Pusey—he does need to be there, though–his sheer breadth, depth and height raises the Anglican vision to yet a more comprehensive fullness and catholicity–a must read and know for the faith journey.
And, final weeks for getting essays in for LEGATUM II—it will be a bounty and beauty not to miss. I hope you are enjoying THE WAY OF THOMAS MERTON: A PRAYER JOURNEY THROUGH LENT. I’m on my 2nd meditative read through it.
amor vincit omnia